
Ep 182: My Afternoon System for More Productivity, Progress, and Peace

July 31, 2023

Everybody loves to talk about how you start your day, but what about how you close it out? While morning routines are crucial, it’s equally important to have a solid strategy for ending your day on a positive note. In this episode, we’ll explore my afternoon system for more productivity, progress, and peace. By implementing this leadership strategy, you’ll experience greater contentment, peace, and purpose, and tap into your next level of success. Let’s dive in!

My Afternoon System for More Productivity, Progress, and Peace

The Importance of Morning Routines 

Morning routines have gained significant attention in personal development circles. They set the tone for the day and impact our productivity and mindset. Many people rush into their to-do lists or mindlessly scroll through social media, reacting to external stimuli instead of proactively choosing how they want to spend their day. However, this approach can lead to missed opportunities for growth. While morning routines are crucial, they’re only one piece of the puzzle.

The Power of Closing Out Your Day 

Closing out your day with intention is just as important as starting it off right. Many entrepreneurs can experience a sense of incompleteness or pressure at the end of their day, no matter how productive they’ve been. This feeling of “not enough” can cast a shadow over their accomplishments, creating a constant sense of urgency and anxiety. To counter this, we need to transition from work mode to a state of contentment and completion, allowing us to be fully present in the other areas of our lives like our family or friends.

Creating a Transition Period

To effectively close out your day, create a transition period that separates work time from personal time. Dedicate the last hour (or whatever time works for you) to consciously shifting gears and mentally preparing for what comes next. This block of time should be non-negotiable and respected just like any other appointment on your calendar.

Closing Loops and Communication

During the transition period, take time to close the “loops” that are going through your head both mentally and tangibly. Communicate with your team, inform them of your progress and plans for the next day, and set clear expectations. By doing so, you establish boundaries and avoid being pulled back into work after hours. Additionally, mentally close loops by reflecting on your accomplishments and capturing the day’s highlights in writing or through other methods that work for you.

Finding Contentment and Satisfaction

As a driven individual, it’s easy to focus on what remains unfinished on your to-do list. However, it’s equally important to recognize and appreciate what you have accomplished. Take a few moments to acknowledge your achievements, even if they weren’t exactly as planned. By capturing the evidence of progress, you can cultivate a sense of contentment, satisfaction, and a positive mindset that propels you forward.

Honoring Your Commitments to Yourself

Just as you would honor a commitment to a client or a meeting, it’s essential to honor the commitments you make to yourself. Respect the time you have blocked for transition and avoid letting work spill over into it. This practice reinforces your self-worth and prioritizes your well-being, enabling you to show up as the best version of yourself in all aspects of your life.

Embracing Leadership Mindset

Closing out your day with intention is a leadership strategy that sets you apart from the average entrepreneur. By valuing the margin for leadership activities and contemplation, you position yourself for long-term success. Embrace the mindset of a leader who understands the importance of strategic planning, reflection, and personal growth.

While morning routines receive much attention, closing out your day with intention is equally vital. By dedicating time to transition, close loops, find contentment, and honor your commitments, you set yourself up for success in all areas of life. Don’t overlook this often-neglected practice. Embrace it as a leadership strategy that unlocks growth, contentment, and purpose. Remember, success isn’t just about how you start your day; it’s also about how you finish it.


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