
Episode 176: From Trading Time for Money to Scaling Business with Jenn Lormand


June 19, 2023

Scaling a business requires more than just expertise in your field; it demands a strategic mindset, a willingness to adapt, and a supportive community. When I met Jen and Christina, they were still working their full-time practices in person, hands-on, and really only in a local market. Once I learned about their mission and the work that they were doing, I immediately wanted to know how I could get them in front of a larger audience. In this blog post, we will my conversation with them, and explore the importance of investing in your business and the value of surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who challenge and support you on your journey!

From Trading Time for Money to Scaling Business with Jenn Lormand

The Power of Collaboration

Jenn and Christina’s journey began by recognizing the need for strategic thinking and collaboration. They understood that being excellent at what they do was not sufficient if they were unable to reach their desired goals. By working together, they discovered the power of having a support system that could provide guidance, insights, and encouragement along their entrepreneurial journey.

Jenn’s role as a supportive partner was invaluable. Her enthusiasm and unwavering belief in Christina’s abilities created a positive environment for growth. In their mastermind sessions, Jenn took on the role of a “Bobblehead,” always nodding in agreement and providing encouragement. This unwavering support allowed Christina to feel empowered, confident, and intellectually stimulated, leading to increased productivity and success.

From Brick and Mortar to Online 

Christina and Jenn both came from in-person practices before joining forces in Liz’s Mastermind. They had recently completed a two-and-a-half-year research study that proved the effectiveness of their online protocol for helping women. However, transitioning from a brick-and-mortar practice to an online offering presented new challenges. They quickly realized that expertise in their field was not enough to succeed in the online market.

In their pursuit of excellence, Jenn and Christina broke away from traditional practices in Western medicine. They recognized that many normalized aspects of women’s health were not optimal and often led to unnecessary suffering. By challenging conventional norms and offering a different approach, they aimed to make a significant impact on their client’s lives.

The Importance of Market Research

Jenn and Christina’s initial launch in the online space was met with a humbling experience. Only seven people showed interest, highlighting the stark contrast between the local market and the global online market. They realized that they had underestimated the importance of market research and had not adapted their messaging and strategies to suit the online audience. This realization prompted them to seek guidance, and I pushed them to embrace visibility and leverage social media. They conducted market research, asked thoughtful questions to their customers, and identified their areas of improvement. 

Strategic Thinking and Collaboration

Jenn and Christina’s journey from being experts in their field to developing expertise in scaling their business is a testament to the power of strategic thinking and collaboration. By embracing new approaches, challenging traditional norms, and learning from their mistakes, they unlocked the potential within themselves and their business. Their example serves as a reminder that expertise alone is not enough; it is the strategic mindset and willingness to adapt that pave the way for lasting success and freedom in the entrepreneurial world.



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