
Episode 207: A Day In Our Life: Behind the Scenes of Homeschooling, Business, and Family without Childcare

January 22, 2024

Embracing an Unconventional Life: Aligning Values with Action

A Journey of Transformation

Today, I want to share with you a personal reflection on my unconventional lifestyle, which includes homeschooling my four children, running a thriving business, and making significant life changes that align with my deepest values and priorities. Buckle up, and maybe grab a helmet, because I am going to go through what it is like on The Hartke Homestead. 


The Evolution of Family and Business

Before the pitter-patter of little feet filled our home, my husband Michael and I were deeply entrenched in our careers. I was building my business, and Michael was diligently studying for his professional actuarial exams. But as our family expanded, we were faced with the daunting task of balancing work and childcare. We started with part-time help, but as both our careers and family grew, we found ourselves in a season of high demand and growth.

A Bold Decision

The turning point in our lives came unexpectedly when our nanny, who had become a cherished part of our family, decided to leave to homeschool her own children. This change forced Michael and I to reevaluate our approach to childcare and work. After the initial shock, we made the bold decision not to replace our nanny. Instead, we took on the responsibility of homeschooling and caring for our children ourselves.

This decision marked a significant shift in our lives and business. We embarked on a visionary leadership sabbatical, a period of recalibration and reevaluation. We reworked our life plan, reprioritized our values, and embraced a more efficient, team-oriented approach to household tasks.

Redefining Work and Leadership

We redefined our workdays, focusing on high-leverage moves that aligned with our vision for our business and family. We learned to live in a posture of leadership, prioritizing actions that would lead to healthy growth while letting go of the need to fit a certain mold or expectation.

Our weeks now have a rhythm that reflects our mission-critical priorities and values. This period of introspection and adjustment allowed us to live authentically and align our actions with our true priorities.

Crafting a Life Plan and Business Systems

I developed a framework and course to help others figure out their life plan and create business systems to support it. Prioritizing family and leadership, we re-evaluated our business model and team to increase profits and margins while reclaiming our time through systems and strategic hires. All of this is in Your Breakthrough Year, my signature program. 

A Day in the Life at Hartke Homestead

Our daily routine includes an intentional approach to homeschooling and family dynamics. Mornings are reserved for prayer, writing, visionary time, and health-related activities. Our children have their own morning routine, and we emphasize family meals and cooking from scratch.

Homeschooling for us is not about recreating school at home but finding our own rhythms where our kids thrive and lean into what makes them come alive. We incorporate art projects, cooking, and community service into their learning experience, allowing them to see themselves as part of something bigger. The curriculum we follow is The Good & The Beautiful. 

Letting Go and Strategic Planning

We’ve learned to let go of low-priority things and strategically plan our day in blocks to coordinate with our team and husband. Family work blocks are a time when our kids participate in art projects while we work alongside them, creating a sense of contribution and involvement.

Transitioning to Our Current Lifestyle

The transition to our current lifestyle was not without its challenges. We faced initial exhaustion and the need to streamline our approach. Taking back control of where we want to go as a family was essential, and we were willing to do what’s required to achieve our vision.

Throughout our journey, we’ve learned not to limit our potential and to be willing to make sacrifices to align our lives with our priorities. We’ve let go of societal expectations and adopted a “who gives a shit” attitude towards things that do not enhance our lives or contribute to our mission.

The Chaotic Beauty of Family Life

Despite the challenges, I find joy and humor in the chaos of our daily routine. Our family’s rhythm includes cooking meals together, enjoying family dinners, and having Friday nights with pizza and a movie. Saturdays are for catching up on household tasks and spending quality time together, while Sundays are for rest and relaxation.

Teamwork and Shared Values

Being a team with Michael is crucial, and we ensure our mission and values are aligned. Our roles and routines may shift depending on the season or our evolving needs. We focus on what truly matters in both business and life, and sometimes that means major sacrifices, like sleep and sanity, to live in alignment with our calling.

Gratitude and Encouragement

I am grateful for the blessings in my life and encourage you to pursue your own callings and make the necessary changes to achieve your goals. Seize the opportunities in life and live with purpose and intention. I invite you to share your thoughts and connect with me, as I am committed to serving and supporting you on your journey.

I hope this leaves you feeling empowered to possibility, my reflections provide a candid and inspiring glimpse into my unconventional lifestyle. It’s a message of empowerment and encouragement for you to pursue your own path with determination and purpose.

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