Attention 6 + 7 figure business owners


How to create a spacious,

that helps you achieve your 

without burning out

This profit-boosting process is designed for established, 
busy entrepreneurs like you who are ready to unlock your growth potential by stepping boldly into your life’s work (and out of managing the day-to-day)

CEO's Schedule

'Big Next' 



How to create a spacious, profitable CEO's Schedule that helps you achieve your 'Big Next' without burning out

An intentional schedule

is the secret elite entrepreneurs use to get unstuck, out of the weeds, and into a life of

The 3 step process to stop reacting, start doing more of what makes you come alive (and moves the needle) and less of everything else! 

freedom and harmony!

The most                                            
that you admire are doing
                 that no one's talking about.



Big opportunities, profit, and peace follow these moves:

successful entrepreneurs

3 things




They trade in busy-work for

and are operating 80% of their time in that sweet spot.

These leaders know exactly where to put their limited time and resources so they can

They are wildly intentional with their schedule, and leverage little known strategies to tap into

Their Life's Work

Their Focus

Their Schedule

confidently knowing their calling, innate gifts

grow far more,
while doing far less.

exponential growth.

(and your life) into a whole new stratosphere of more           

That's the problem, right?

You’re managing the business, your team, and your to-do list, but none of those things are leading to the possibility and significance your ambitious heart is set on.

You’re so ready to take your business

but you don’t have more to give.


You’ve found success, but now what?

Do you try another strategy, or hire your way out of it?

You’ve tried those costly mistakes…

You need a proven process to get up out of managing the day-to-day of your business and your life, and into the dedicated visionary time to actually apply it. 

You don't need another strategy

I'm IN!

took me from busy entrepreneur, to a 58% increase in profit by working less, while focusing more on what’s in my sweet spot!

Creating a spacious, profitable

CEO's Schedule

Here's what you'll learn:

How to clearly discern what big next God’s calling you to in your business and life, and how to make this the most profitable move you make all year.

The focus strategy that will remove you from the day-to-day demands of your business and help you move the needle towards your 10x vision.

The exact, intentional CEO’s schedule that will transform your business and your life in less than 2 weeks.



This workshop is best suited for 6- and 7-figure entrepreneurs who have at least part-time team members.

I’ll share how nearly losing my life taught me my most important business lesson, and I’m going to teach it to you so you don’t waste your time doing work that isn’t aligned with the legacy you want to leave.

This workshop is for you if...

You know it’s time to stop settling and uplevel your leadership

You’re hungry for a kind of growth that takes into account what God has placed on your heart, what’s best for your family, and what allows you to live an intentional life

You’ve already created a strong business, but (like nearly all successful entrepreneurs) you’ve gotten trapped in the day-to-day 

You want the next few years to be the most prosperous, purposeful, and peaceful years of your life!

You have at least a few team members (even if part time), and you want to leverage and lead that team to a version of success where you’re all in your sweet spots

We’re going to show how to ditch burnout and overwhelm to achieve your big next by focusing on the right less, not more.

If what you’ve tried isn’t working,
it’s because your next level requires a next level you.

“What got you here won’t get you there.
In fact, what got you here will keep you here.”


Overwhelm is a state of mind
, not a set of circumstances. And the fastest way to trade burnout for being on fire with growth is an intentional schedule.

I had hit some big milestones in my business, but felt like I was in a season of treading water. My heart was called to my next big breakthrough, but no matter how hard I worked, I felt like it was never enough.

And then a mentor said something to me that shook me up enough to make a change:

A spacious, intentional schedule has the power to change your entire life…

The evidence of where you’re going will be found (or not found) in your schedule.

Land a multi-six figure contract with their dream client

Before you assume I just got lucky, these processes have helped our high-level clients…

Get back over 20 hours a week, and 12 weeks of time off/year

Write a bestselling book on sabbatical, while their business grew by 26%

Bring in an additional $850,000 in one week while working 5 hours days and a 4 day week

Shift 80% of their time to their zone of genius to change the trajectory of their business

Find joy in their work again by stripping away most of what took up their time

Profitably pivot based on what God was calling them to, and finally see the momentum and doors open that they always dreamed of


I'm Liz!


After over a dozen years as a business advisor for hundreds of ambitious entrepreneurs - including greats like John C. Maxwell - I’ve had a front row seat to what sets apart those who find some success in their business, and those who live out God-given potential in their lives.

Here’s a hint: it’s not just another marketing or operations strategy.

But that wasn’t always my reality.

I was running full speed, thinking I was chasing my vision, only to find that I was trapped on the entrepreneurial treadmill. On the brink of burnout, watching the moments with my kids pass me by, I made the most profitable, peace invoking decision of my life:

to live the life I was called to live now, and let my schedule be my evidence.

My husband, Michael, and I have 4 little kids of our own whom we homeschool with a focus on leadership, entrepreneurship, and the value of family.

We became crystal clear in our calling after we lost our fifth child, our sweet boy, at seventeen weeks pregnant. During labor and a series of unexpected twists and turns (and thankfully, miracles), I lost over half of my blood volume and nearly lost my life. Nothing shines a light on what God has put you here to accomplish like facing your own mortality and losing someone you love.

The perspective from our heartache has sparked an even greater fire for the work we do, shepherding leaders to live out the calling on their lives.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to passionately (and strategically) share that perspective and wisdom with other entrepreneurs who seek a life of meaning, prosperity, and freedom through the legacy they’re building. 

An intentional, freedom-filled life comes only from an intentionally led business and leader. 


We just had a massive launch where we did $850k in five days, and I did it without stressing and while picking my daughter up from daycare and putting her to bed and getting to be there for all those incredible real-life things.

$850,000 launch without stress, and while working less!

There's a lot of people out there who'll talk about leading and 10 x-ing your business. But really for me, it was showing up authentically to my team, leading from a heart-based place and making decisions that were in alignment with long-term goals.

Our best projections came from authentic leadership!


I learned to identify what I value most in my life and build my success around that. it’s been incredible because we’ve also had way more success in business than ever, even with working way less.

And that has significantly shifted my business. We were doing several million in revenue, but were hardly making ends meet. I went from wondering if I had to burn it all to the ground, to having our best projections yet!


I feel incredibly challenged to continue to raise my game in the way I show up in my business, and also the way I show up in my life

I've raised my game in all areas of my business and personal life!

The growth we've experienced over the past year and a half is a game changer.

We've launched multiple businesses we've been called to!

Micah and JD
(Parents of 6)

to be more of a leader and have more intention around my interactions with my team members, with important people in my personal life, and also with my clients.

We've launched a couple new businesses we've been called to, which didn't think was even possible before because we were so busy. Elevating our vision, creativity, and focus really stemmed from this.


The best two days I’ve ever spent in my business! I didn’t think I had time to put towards this, but it was the most profitable move I could have made. 

The most profitable move I could have made!

it's your time

to create your CEOs Schedule to get out of managing the day-to-day of your business and your life, and into the dedicated visionary time to actually apply it!

I'm ready to create my schedule!

I'm ready to create my schedule!

How to Create a Spacious, Profitable Schedule That Helps You Achieve Your Big Next Without Burning Out

For 6 + 7 figure business owners!