
Episode 192: Defining Your Enough: The Path to True Success in Life and Business

October 9, 2023

I will never forget when this question was posed to me. I was at a Mastermind event, and there was a speaker up there, workshopping our goals, vision, and more. They asked one of the members of the group, “Can you calculate when enough is enough? Have you determined you’re enough?” That’s what I want to talk to you about in this episode because, like you, I’m ambitious. I’m hungry for growth. I love evolving and stepping into the next level. But it has to be in alignment with who you are, your values, and your vision. I want to challenge you to calculate your “enough.”

Your Enough: The Path to True Success in Life and Business

The Power of Defining Your “Enough”

I’ve been hosting masterminds for 12 years, and I often bring in guest experts and speakers to challenge our members. One day, a guest speaker had everyone do a powerful exercise: writing down their wildest dreams without any filters or limitations. People wrote fervently, some even with tears in their eyes. It was a moment of exploring untouched corners of their minds.

This speaker encouraged them to dream bigger, to think about first-class flights, dream homes, bestselling books, and more. But during this exercise, one member stood out. She knew her “enough.” She was content with her current home, her family, and her financial goals. Despite being challenged to dream bigger, she confidently stuck to her vision.

The Enlightenment of Knowing Your “Enough”

The speaker, thinking he was enlightening her to a new way of thinking, didn’t realize that she had already found her contentment and fulfillment. She had defined her “enough,” which was less about material possessions and more about quality of life. She wasn’t complacent; she was content. Contentment is not complacency; it’s satisfaction and joy in simplicity.

The Importance of Values

To find your “enough,” you must start by defining your core values. These guiding principles help align your life and business decisions with who you are and what truly matters to you. Without living by your values, you’ll feel out of sync and wonder why you’re unfulfilled or overwhelmed.

Creating Your Life Plan

Your life plan should be a reflection of your values. It should paint a picture of how you want your days to look and what’s important to you. For example, if family is a value, your life plan might include spending quality time with your children. If faith is a value, it might involve starting your day with gratitude.

Defining Success on Your Terms

To find your “enough,” define what success looks like for you, not what the world dictates. Success isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. It’s deeply personal. Ask yourself what success means to you and be specific. Success might involve being present for your family or pursuing your passion for writing.

Defining Your “Enough” 

Defining your “enough” and your version of success is a powerful journey. It involves aligning your values, creating a life plan, and charting a course that fulfills you on your terms. Don’t let the world define success for you. Discover what truly matters, and pursue it with passion and purpose. Your “enough” is waiting for you to embrace it.


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