
Episode 90: Reasons You’re Called to This Movement

May 16, 2022


I’m sure that as an entrepreneurial parent you feel called to your mission to raise leaders and establish a business and a life that you don’t want to escape from. You want to do both in harmony with each other, in a way that allows you to step into your next level of success in both of those worlds. 

You are called to this movement for a reason. There’s a reason that you’ve been gifted these children. There’s a reason you’ve been gifted this call and this mission in business and it’s time for you to honor both in a way that is in integrity with who you’re called to be. 

We have created a better way and we’ve created a community and a home for you to walk this path.

In today’s episode, I share with you 13 reasons why you are called to this movement and the impact that is going to make on your life, on your business and most importantly on the lives of those little leaders that you are raising.

P.S. The doors close on May 17th!


[3:12] From Distracted and Hurried to Present and Intentional

Let me know if you can relate to this.

You’re thriving in business, but it still feels like something is missing or you have the beautiful family, but you can’t feel the full presence as they’re sitting right across the table from you. On paper, you have it all but it doesn’t feel like you’ve reached the dream. You are doing it all. You’re technically living the dream. So, why does it feel like you’re spread so thin and you can’t feel the glory in any of it? 

Not to mention the fact that you find yourself feeling guilty all the time. When you’re working, you feel guilty because you’re not with the kids. When you’re with the kids, you feel the stress because you’re not working. There are constant fires and notifications and things that you’re missing at work when you’re trying to be present with those babies. The day-to-day responsibilities just literally never end and it requires your attention and it requires your energy and you just want a break. You just want to know that it’s going to be okay. 

You deserve to be present in both areas of your life. You do deserve to have the opportunity to lead successfully in business so that your family can thrive. Because we know that when we are truly present, that’s where the magic happens. 

But how do we do it? How do we go from distracted and hurried to present and intentional with our time, regardless of where we’re spending it? That’s what we are going to help you with.

[7:45] From Separation to Integration 

This is the reason that the Raising Luminaries Co(op) was born. We named it the co-op because this is not us coming to you, teaching you something that you walk away with and throw in front of your kids and everything’s changed. This is a cooperative movement. This is something where we are coming together. We’re bringing you the tools and the resources and the guidance that you need to bring to your children, but it has to happen through you. You are their shepherd, you are their leader. 

Sometimes we’re looking at these two worlds, entrepreneurship and parenting, as two different things. But the real power comes when we understand that entrepreneurship is a gift to the family. So, why are we stripping our children from the opportunity of being immersed in that? We’re creating these strict boundaries and putting this unbelievable pressure on ourselves as adults to lead in two separate worlds at two different times, instead of asking: how do we integrate these two? 

Entrepreneurial parents can give their children an incredible gift that other people can’t give their kids: we can help our kids through entrepreneurship become leaders, independent thinkers, trailblazers of their own accord and that is something that will serve them no matter what path they choose in life. 

There are so many parallels between running a business and raising kids. You don’t need more tools on your list. You need more freedom and flexibility to create the lifestyle you don’t want to escape from and you need the resources at your fingertips that are going to present the opportunities for you and your kids to learn together, to integrate that, to engage your kids in thought provoking and mind expanding activities.

Raising luminaries, raising your kids up into leaders, doesn’t happen by accident. It starts by creating a rhythm that allows you to be happy and thriving yourself, and then inviting your kids into the process. No more separation, only integration. And we’re going to show you the way.

[12:08]  Equipping Your Kids for Battle 

Your children have a unique purpose and gifts to share with this world. And the world is going to try and squash them. So, we as their parents, as their leaders have to give them a home and the tools to equip them to go fight the battle of their lives.

You have chosen entrepreneurship, which means you probably at the very least want to instill that entrepreneurial spirit into your kids, even if they do choose a more technically conventional path, still allowing them to be independent thinkers, and possibility-seekers no matter the path they go. As entrepreneurs we know what it’s like to think a little differently, to uncover unique solutions to problems, to concoct those out-of-the-box ways of doing things that many people think we’re crazy for. We know how to lead in our work, but we have to bring that same piece of us to our relationships with our children, to show them what it takes to lead, to innovate, to build up the confidence to be exactly who they are supposed to be. And it’s impossible to bring that attitude into our homes when we’re rundown and exhausted from working around the clock or trying to live up to unbelievable expectations that we most likely constructed ourselves.

Things don’t happen by coincidence. God has a plan. If you are feeling overwhelmed, I’m hopefully going to help you breathe that sigh of relief that you found your home as an entrepreneurial parent, to live out the missions that you’re called to.

[15:35]  13 Reasons Why You Are Called to This 

Here are the 13 reasons why I believe you are called to this movement:

  1. You know that your child has a unique purpose and incredible gifts to share with this world. Deep down you know that it’s your job as their parent to uncover and cultivate these gifts. So, if that call is on your heart, don’t ignore it. That call is there for a reason and we want to help you cultivate and foster those incredible gifts in your kids.
  2. You can’t outsource the task of raising luminaries. We’re going to provide resources to make it easier for you to do this with them and we’ll give you some things that you can give to your kids to really create powerful change, but this cannot be fully outsourced. There has to be a commitment in your heart to take this on.
  3. The school system was not built to raise leaders. The school system was designed to create better factory workers to support the Industrial Revolution, not to raise independent thinkers. If you haven’t already, make sure you listen to Episode 87 because it will blow your mind.
  4. It all starts with the family. Your kids need a trusted place where mistakes are welcomed and solutions are sought after. A place where problems, struggles and challenges are seen as opportunities to grow. And this has to happen at home. A lot of the things that we’re bringing you through the Co(op) are actually going to be prompts, conversation starters, questions and projects that you can utilize to do this work so that you don’t have to come up with it all on your own.
  5. To raise a leader, we need to be leaders. There’s no way around it. They might grow up in leadership despite us, but is that what we want our legacy to be? The Co(op) is for you, to help you raise yourself up in leadership and to be equipped to raise leaders. Leadership is caught not taught. 
  6. The entrepreneurial spirit will serve our children whether they start a business or not. The entrepreneurial spirit is not about starting a business, although it will serve them immensely if they take that path. The spirit of entrepreneurship is a series of characteristics and values that are lived, including leadership, including possibility seeking, including ownership and all these incredible things that will make them into the leader they’re called to be and we want to help you cultivate that in your kids. Through the Co(op) we are going to provide you with the tools, the conversations and the community to help your kids foster that entrepreneurial spirit. 
  7. Community. Witnessing a community of others living in their purpose, going against the grain, having the courage to do something different is going to be an incredible additional model for you and your kids. One thing that doesn’t exist today is a community for kids of entrepreneurial parents. Having a community of peers who are courageous enough to go against the grain, who don’t care what social media says and what their peers think is so powerful. These are not just entrepreneurs and their kids. These are entrepreneurs with their kids in harmony, as a team on a mission together, coming in and making waves in the world. 
  8. You were born for this. You were given these kids in this moment in time and you were given this dream in business for a reason. And you’re not only capable, but you were called. You’re called to this and there’s a reason you’re part of this mission. It’s on your heart. And you are a part of the change. This is not something that the Luminary Leadership Company is doing or that I am doing. This is something that we are creating together. 
  9. The secret to feeling like you’re thriving in both business and raising your kids is integrating the two worlds. Society teaches you to create division, stronger boundaries, no conversation of business. This way, you are only robbing your kids of one of the greatest gifts you can give them which is to allow them to witness what it looks like to go your own way. 
  10. Now is the right time. It is never too late and it is never too early. If your kids are really young, this is going to serve them. If your kids are in high school, this is going to save them. It is not too late or too early to commit and change the trajectory of your children’s lives. Do not give up on this call. 
  11. Investing time in this is the most important investment of your life. Do you have a plan B? What does it look like to raise leaders without the support and the tools? If you have the plan, go after it. But if you need the support and you’re ready to take this on, we’ve got your back. 
  12. Small steps add up. This is a lifelong commitment. This is a choice to go after and live a certain way because you’re called to it and you are playing the long game and we are going to support you for as long as you need that. These choices will compound and will kick in and will pay off for generations to come. 
  13. Your legacy starts with you. It starts with you and it starts now. Sometimes we think our legacies are the things that we reflect back, looking back on our lives, but the legacy starts now. It’s what you’re gifting your children and instilling in your children now. You are a guiding light for the entrepreneurs who will follow, who will be freed from a life of regret because they witness you take on this charge. You are paving the way for other foster families to grow strong and be successful and to instill that into their children. Successful entrepreneurial parents can grow their dream business, build a legacy and raise happy and thriving kids without feeling like they’re leading two separate lives.

If this episode resonated with you, make sure to visit the Raising Luminaries Co(op). There’s nothing about this program that will be like anything you’ve experienced or that exists. It’s not about filling your plate with more stuff. It’s about filling it with the right stuff. We believe you can be unhurried in your daily life and have that harmony between family and business, build genuine connections and deeply meaningful relationships with your kids, and live out your legacy intentionally now, through your business and in your home. FYI, the door closes on May 17th!

Make sure you subscribe because we have some amazing stuff coming your way that you don’t want to miss. Come connect with me on Instagram at @elizhartke! If there’s a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show, just reach out and share that. We do this for you so the more you tell us, the more we can serve.


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