
Episode 242: The True Business Freedom Blueprint

September 30, 2024

Let me guess — you started your business for more freedom, right? It’s one of the most common reasons I hear from entrepreneurs. Freedom of time, financial freedom, freedom to do what they want with whom they want, when they want — it’s what we all crave. But let me ask you, how’s that going for you? Have you found freedom, or have you built yourself a cage? Are you the engine that makes it all go, wondering what it would take to tip the scales into actual freedom?

Reframing Freedom

Let’s start by rethinking what freedom actually means to you. Self-assessment and awareness are crucial traits for any leader seeking freedom. Take a minute to sit with your reality and define what freedom means to you. Is it the ability to take a week off without things falling apart? Is it a specific number in the bank? Is it creative freedom?

For years, I wanted to write a book but felt stifled by the responsibilities that kept me from shifting my focus. It’s like that good-to-great mentality — we’re often forced to hold onto good because it pays the bills, leaving no room for great. So, what does freedom mean for you? Is it time with family, financial security, or the ability to pursue your passions?

We’re not compartmentalized beings; our businesses bleed into our lives. Look at your whole life — where do you feel trapped or stuck? For me, something as simple as laundry was a major hang-up after a chaotic move. It sounds ridiculous, but managing laundry for six people was robbing me of progressing toward my vision. I brought someone in one day a week to help, freeing up my time for more important things.

Assess where you’re losing time and energy. These are areas that can often be solved with a bit of creative thinking or outsourcing. It’s crucial to self-assess rather than rely on blanket solutions offered by others. Your freedom won’t come from one-size-fits-all advice but from understanding your own needs and obstacles.

Beyond Financial Freedom

Most entrepreneurs start their businesses with financial freedom in mind — being able to make money on their terms. However, financial freedom alone doesn’t equate to true freedom. There’s a risk of focusing so much on financial gain that we rob ourselves of joy, quality of life, and other freedoms that might matter more.

Identify areas where you’ve been a “dog on a bone” with financial pursuits. For years, I chased financial freedom because it was what the industry preached. But it caused stress and strain, often at the expense of other freedoms. True freedom isn’t necessarily millions in the bank, but control over how you spend your time and energy.

The 80/20 Rule and Time Freedom

Entrepreneurs often find they have less freedom than they did working a 9-to-5. One key way to reclaim your time is by identifying the 20 percent of activities that create 80 percent of your results. It’s not about systemizing everything but about bringing in the right people and maintaining a tight focus.

Avoid becoming the permanent central engine of your business. Systems and delegation are crucial, but they should be meaningful and not just for the sake of it. Hiring an executive assistant was a game-changer for me. Unlike general team members, an executive assistant’s role is to protect your time, letting you focus on what truly moves the needle.

The Micro Freedoms

Here’s a concept I love — micro freedoms. Instead of dreaming about the big milestone that’ll someday grant you freedom, think about smaller, more immediate freedoms. What would it look like to check out every Friday afternoon to spend time with your kids or do something that recharges you? These micro freedoms can often be more valuable and attainable than the distant, grand goals.

Mastery and Purpose

True freedom also includes mastery, autonomy, and purpose. You want a business that allows you to choose how you work, provides you with a sense of progress, and aligns with your deeper values. Engage in activities that challenge you and give you a sense of accomplishment and growth. There’s real freedom in running a business that fuels your purpose, even if it means working hard.

Take time to reflect on what mastery and purpose look like for you. Ask yourself what would give you a sense of progress and fulfillment. Use this reflection to eliminate tasks that don’t align with your deeper values.

Personal Freedom and Lifestyle Design

Personal freedom is about ensuring your business supports the life you want to live. Whether it’s spending more time with family or pursuing hobbies, design your business model to support your desired lifestyle. This may require a significant reimagining of your current model.

It’s also essential to have a clear vision of your ideal days, weeks, and months. Use this vision to guide your business decisions. What are your non-negotiables? Build your days around them, ensuring that the quality of your life aligns with the goals you’re chasing.

If you’ve put all your eggs in the financial freedom basket or feel stuck, conduct an audit. Document how you’re spending your time, identify what’s draining you, and look for tasks that can be delegated or automated. Include key players in this process and create a concrete 90-day shift plan toward more freedom in your life and business.

Surround yourself with others who are also pursuing various facets of freedom. Leveraging peer networks and masterminds can provide valuable insights and support in your journey.

Freedom isn’t a one-size-fits-all. It’s about identifying your unique needs and designing your life and business to meet them. Take the steps to assess, redefine, and pursue the freedom that truly matters to you.

If you found this insightful, please share your thoughts and tag us. We love hearing from you and knowing who we are serving each week. If you haven’t yet, leave us a review to let us know what you think and what you want more of. Your feedback helps guide the content we create and brings great guests to the show.

Thank you for tuning in, and until next week!


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