
Episode 244: Deepening Confidence as a Character Trait

October 14, 2024

In this episode of Luminary Leadership podcast, I’m diving into a topic that resonates deeply with many of us — confidence. There’s just so much we want to accomplish in life. Maybe you’re feeling a call to pivot, to scale, and grow, to become a new version of yourself and explore what’s possible. You see others stepping into opportunity after opportunity, living their dreams. So, what’s their secret?

For me, it’s about developing confidence at a cellular level — not just a momentary boost in a particular situation or skill. Confidence needs to become an unshakeable part of who you are, a trait deeply embedded in your character. But how do you shift from skill-specific confidence to embodying a confident leader?

Let’s talk about what I call the “Steady Confidence Framework.”

Intentions vs. Intentionality

We all have good intentions, right? But intentions alone, as they say, pave the road to hell. What’s crucial is being intentional — taking deliberate actions that lead to real impact. It’s the difference between saying, “I aim to do something” and actually doing it. This shift from intention to intentionality changes the game.

Intentions vs. Impact

Intentions are what we hope or plan to do, but they don’t always translate into reality. Impact, on the other hand, is measurable. It’s what actually happens. Let’s illustrate this with a relatable example.

Imagine promising your kid you’ll pick them up for a baseball practice that starts at 3:30. Your intention is genuine. But if a call makes you late, the impact on your child is disappointment. Intentions might’ve been good, but the actual impact mattered more. This applies to every area of our lives, from work to relationships.


Next, let’s talk about repetition. Doing something repeatedly creates muscle memory and builds mastery. Take Michael Jordan or Michael Phelps — they didn’t question every move they made; they exuded a natural confidence from relentless practice. So whatever your field, it’s about consistently putting in the work, each day pouring volume into your craft.


Finally, there’s faith. Being intentional and practicing repetition is great, but you have to recognize that not everything is within your control. Faith is trusting in the unseen, relying on guidance beyond what we can measure or comprehend fully. It’s this belief that the universe — or God, my personal guide — has a plan that stands behind your efforts, bridging the unseen gaps between you and your next big opportunity.

Putting It All Together

Shift to intentionality, focus on creating real impact, repeat actions until they become second nature, and trust in something greater. These are the pillars of the steady confidence framework. By embracing them, we move beyond circumstantial confidence to one that is enduring, one that can carry us through any storm we may face.

I hope this resonates with you. Share it with someone you believe in, who might need to hear they have everything within themselves to succeed. Make sure to tap into this internal resource, and remember — a steady, consistent belief in yourself is the foundation of all future success.

Thank you so much for tuning in. If this message speaks to you, please subscribe to the blog & podcast and stay tuned for something really special next week.

Believe in yourself, just as I believe in you.


Episode 243 


Spacious Profitable CEO Schedule 

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