
Episode 239: Designing Your Ideal Profitable Weekly Schedule

September 9, 2024

Show me your schedule and I will show you your trajectory. For years, I resisted the idea that my day-to-day schedule would dictate my business’s success. I was under the misguided illusion that sheer hard work and productivity alone would lead to success and financial freedom. Hiring the right people, buying the right courses, and simply pushing harder seemed like the essential steps. But, eventually, I hit a cap. There’s only so much of you to go around. I experienced firsthand the frustration of feeling stuck despite wanting immense growth in my business.

In this episode of Luminary Leadership podcast, I want to take you behind the scenes and share how I transitioned from feeling financially stuck and bogged down in daily fires to landing the biggest opportunities in my twelve years of business. Getting my time back wasn’t just about business; it dramatically improved my home life, too. People often believe buying back time is challenging, but there are straightforward ways to do it in your business, allowing you to redirect your efforts toward more profitable activities and find your sweet spot.

The Power of Intentionality and Freedom

One of the most instrumental strategies we’ve implemented is what I call the Visionary CEO Block. It’s about purposeful time management, leading to significant growth and profitability. Allow me to share some behind-the-scenes insights on how we’ve struggled and grown, and, most importantly, what really worked for us.

Before diving in, I must tell you about our incredible ongoing initiative: The Visionary CEO 2 Day Virtual Intensive. Entrepreneurs frequently outgrow their original capabilities, facing more demands, getting trapped in the daily grind, and losing sight of their big vision. We crafted a process specifically for busy entrepreneurs like you to trade slow, incremental growth for exponential leaps in both life and business. It’s the catalyst for profitability and meaningful change.

During these two days, you’ll be accountable for doing the work, not just listening to endless information. We aim to shift you from day-to-day operations into a profit-expanding, visionary mindset. 

Understanding Different Types of Entrepreneurs

I’ve categorized entrepreneurs based on how they work towards their vision or goals into three primary types:

  1. The Winging-It Entrepreneurs: They throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks, relying on spontaneity and intuition.
  2. The Hard Chargers: Productivity obsessors who are efficiency pros, constantly working and never satisfied.
  3. The Rare Air Leaders: These intentional leaders work less, accomplish more, maintain a high quality of life, and constantly operate within their flow state.

Take a moment to honestly discern which category you fall into. Do you wake up without a solid plan for the day? Are you constantly filling every spare moment with tasks? Or, have you moved past those stages into the visionary leadership realm?

Whatever stage you are in, moving forward involves overcoming the blind spots inherent in both the winging-it and hard-charging approaches. True success lies in blending elements from both sides into a third, elevated level where intentionality reigns.

The Visionary CEO Block

The most profitable addition to your weekly schedule is the Visionary CEO Block. This is your time to step into your Visionary CEO seat every week. It ensures you aren’t just working in your business but on it—designing, innovating, and leading it forward with clear intent.

When I made this shift in my calendar a few years back, our profit margins and growth skyrocketed. We moved from incremental growth to exponential growth.

Planning, Vision, and Innovation

Your Visionary CEO Block is your time to reflect and anticipate. Use it to review your business goals, mission, and economic objectives, making sure your efforts align with your long-term vision. This isn’t the time for responding to emails or managing day-to-day operations. It’s your opportunity to innovate and iterate on new ideas, ensuring everything aligns with where you want your business to go.

Practical Implementation

Crafting your perfect and profitable week means establishing a dedicated time to plan and review. For me, this means starting the week with clarity, knowing which tasks truly matter, and feeling energized and aligned with my work. Your team can’t cast the vision; only you can do that.

Beyond Implementation: Staying the Course

Regularly revisit and nourish your vision. It’s a living, breathing entity that needs constant attention, reflection, and growth efforts. By dedicating weekly time blocks to visionary planning, you ensure that your business flourishes under your steady and clear leadership.

In conclusion, taking the time to plan, envision, and lead intentionally will prepare you to become the Visionary CEO you’re meant to be. Join us for the Visionary CEO 2 Day Intensive to implement these strategies, gain clarity, and step confidently into your leadership role.


Visionary CEO Two-Day Virtual Intensive 


Episode 227: 3 Things Every Pro Has in Their Weekly Schedule 

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