
Episode 223: Moving Update & Navigating Chaotic Seasons Without Burnout While Embracing Change, Prioritizing Family, & Being Resilient

May 20, 2024

The Winds of Change: Our Family’s Big Move

Our family is on the cusp of a significant transition—we’re moving. This isn’t just any move; it’s one that tugs at the heartstrings. For six years, we’ve poured love and life into our current home, a place that’s been the backdrop to transformative experiences. Yet, despite this deep attachment, we’ve made the bold decision to relocate closer to my extended family. This move is about more than just a change of scenery; it’s about prioritizing the support and care for my aging parents and fostering a multigenerational bond for our children.

I won’t sugarcoat it; this period is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. The stress of house hunting, the daunting task of sorting through possessions, and the prospect of adjusting to a new environment are just the tip of the iceberg. The decision-making process is complex, and the practical considerations are many. But here’s the crux of it—we’re choosing to navigate this chaos without succumbing to burnout.

 The Art of Prioritizing During Turbulent Times

The Art of Prioritizing During Turbulent Times

The Art of Prioritizing During Turbulent Times

In this whirlwind of change, I’ve found it crucial to anchor myself to what truly matters. Family comes first, and embracing the chaos has become an unexpected opportunity for growth and resilience. It’s about shifting expectations, altering mindsets, and understanding that not everything has to feel easy to be right.

Resilience: The Silver Lining in Life’s Storms

Throughout this episode, I delve into the essence of resilience. It’s about choosing worthy challenges and facing them head-on. It’s about modeling faith and resilience for our children, showing them that it’s possible to emerge from the chaos stronger and more united. I share my insights on how to prioritize these values and let go of the need for a smooth ride.

As we wrap up this episode, I hope my personal narrative has offered you some solace and guidance. Whether you’re dealing with your own upheavals or simply preparing for future storms, remember that it’s possible to navigate life’s chaos with grace and resilience. Prioritize what’s truly important, embrace the growth that comes with challenges, and keep moving forward—one step at a time.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Until next time, keep leading luminously.



Ep. 219 Loss & Life Update (Part 1) 

Ep. 220 Loss & Life Update (Part 2) 

Ep. 222 Pruning for Growth 

Ep. 207 Day in Our Life 

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