You did it!

You took the foundational FIRST step of seeing what's POSSIBLE by walking through the Frazzled to Focused process.

But that was just the first step to clarity and focus. If you want the whole process after you’ve stripped away, delegated, clarified, and simplified, then it’s time for the life-changing next step that you can’t afford to miss…

Introducing the

Founder Family Playbook

The next step in becoming the less-frantic, more-peace-filled version of you, in your business and at home.

Order TODAY and save $100 for a one-time payment of $97!
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Keep the MOMENTUM going!

Get the Playbook NOW for the temporary one-time payment of $197 $97!

If you buy today you'll receive $100 Off and everything listed below:

5-step course

Set the stage for integrating work and home with our five daily 10-minute videos to guide you through the process.

Our 50-page playbook

From powerful prompts to gain clarity on your vision for both work and home to ideas and inspiration to craft the roadmap to your legacy.

Step-by-step exercises

Walk through powerful exercises, like having your first family board meeting, establishing new rhythms, writing your family mission statement, and more!

Life changing processes

Bring the same level of intention to your home as your work and live your legacy today.

After completing the Founder Family Playbook

You’ll leave our time together with: direction, clarity, and focus.

Imagine this:

What could your life be if you weren’t constantly overwhelmed?

What would you achieve if you felt peace instead of hurry every day?

What would be available to you in business and at home if you had ultimate clarity and focus?

What breakthroughs could you experience if you knew exactly what to do?

For many entrepreneurs, the opposite is true. They spend their days putting out fires and dealing with one high-priority task after another, without any margin to come up for air (let alone vision cast what they really want their lives, at work and at home, to look like).

Our team poured so much love and intention into creating an entire process to set your intentions, cast a new vision, and craft the roadmap to your ultimate legacy. Because we don’t want any more entrepreneurs to feel like they’re not living out their mission and to the fullest.

We’ve nailed down the exact process you need to break through to your next level of success while being the level-headed leader you want to be in your business, and the present force you need to be in your home.

This step-by-step playbook is only something we make available to our top clients, but we wanted you to have the whole process so that you can start seeing change now.

This is the legacy work, which goes so much deeper than the surface-level work we see promoted in commonplace business growth education and family management advice.

This is your invite to take the next step and get everything you need to finally feel aligned, equipped, and ready to create the legacy and impact you’re called to make in your work and your home.

Deep down, you know that every win in the world won’t count for much unless you can achieve them while keeping your family first.

Wild success in business, deep connection and impact at home.

your next step is the

Founder Family Playbook

The foundational workbook to set the stage as a Founder Family used to set your intentions, cast a new vision, and craft the roadmap to your legacy.

You’re here because you recognize the importance of this work and the power of joining a community of like-minded families will bring.

Fulfillment. Freedom. Legacy.

That’s what is on the line here. That is what we are working towards—for us, for our children, and for future generations. We do this for today, tomorrow and all the in-between moments, all to be lived out now, not at some point in the future when we’ve “arrived.”

Within the Founder Family Playbook, you’ll find space to outline your starting point and cast a new vision—no longer as an entrepreneur with kids to raise—but as a Founder Family on a new mission together.

We’ll be providing guidance, targeted questions, and critical next steps as you step into who you’re called to be as a leader in both business and in your home.

This is where things really get exciting, with life-changing support for:

  • Writing your personal mission statement 

  • Finding your daily rhythms and rituals to support your vision 

  • Troubleshooting detours and how to stay the course when things get bumpy 

  • Finally finding harmony between your two callings of family and business

  • Getting off the hamster wheel of life to finally accomplish what you’re called to do

  • Casting a powerful vision and creating the roadmap that completely transforms how you find success as an entrepreneur while showing up for your family like never before

Take a peek inside the Playbook:

Step 1: What is a Founder Family + Taking Inventory

Gain clarity on what a Founder Family is and WHY it will change everything for you. We start at the beginning to identify exactly what’s holding you back from the success and possibility you crave, and take stock of the powerful skills, tools, and team that you have, but are not fully leveraging yet.

Step 2: True North + Family Mission Statement

Now that we know who we are and what we stand for, this step is a big one. We bring in your family and those most important to you to identify rock-solid priorities and standards by which you choose to live. Do you have a mission statement? Are you, your kids and your business operating daily by your values? . This becomes the fire to the remaining steps of the process.

Step 3: Looking to The Future

Now that we have our compass, it’s time to get strategic! Our process of looking to the future isn’t “ordinary” vision casting you may have done in the past. We won’t talk about the car you want to drive or that lakehouse you’ve always dreamed of. Instead, we get tactical as we map out the vision that leads to your legacy.

Step 4: Rhythms, Habits + Flow

You’ve got the compass in your values, you’ve got the destination in your vision—now you need the roadmap to get there. That’s what this step is all about! We break down your vision into bite-sized, tangible pieces that you can take action on TODAY and in the moments of your day found in rhythms and habits (hint: this is hugely powerful for your whole family and your business!). This is where we build the stepping stones to what we want in our business and home so it becomes our reality.

Step 5: Building a Legacy and Lasting Change

In our final step, we close this process out with our legacy work. This is what you’ll come back to, time and time again, for years to come, when things get hard, or when you fall off track, or lose sight of that vision, or encounter a new mountain to climb, or just want to fuel the flames.

This is how you’ll know your time was well spent. This is the transformative work that will completely change the way you do business and how you lead within your family. This is where you see true change in your family.

How will this change how you live, how your family lives, and the generations that follow?

Become the leader you’re meant to be—and get the Founder Family Playbook TODAY if you want this ONE-TIME, limited price of $197 $97. (buy TODAY and you’ll receive $100 OFF).

Everything you do, you create, everything that comes your way—whether an opportunity or a challenge—you get to meet it as the person you’re called to be.

You can keep going forward thinking that “someday” you’ll be out of this season and can finally be the parent you want to be, or have the freedom you crave, OR…

You can do this work now— the proven work that we’ve done with our top-level clients to take them out of the weeds of their lives and into the wildly successful, family-first entrepreneur they always wanted to be! 

  • Feel unhurried in your daily life and find harmony between family and business

  • Break off the hamster wheel of hurry and chaos once and for all

  • Stop telling yourself that “if I just do X, then I can finally do Y” and live your someday, today

  • See the direct, positive impact that this work has on your family

  • Finally feel like the leader you’re called to be

  • Break through to your next level of success, while honoring what matters most

  • Be respected for your achievements in work and how you show up at home (at the same time)

keep the momentum going!

You’ve taken the first step to gain the clarity you’ve been craving, but take that steam and roll it into the vision, mission, and roadmap to take you, your business, and your family into a level of success that hasn’t been possible while operating on that hamster wheel!

We’re so passionate about getting this life-changing tool into your hands that we’re giving it to you at this price right now, only! Because we know you’re ready for this work—the real work that will set you apart from the competition, and tee your family up for a lifetime of

true success! The kind that means the most.

It’s an honor to be a part of your journey towards a life of greater purpose and intention. Thank you.

Always here for you, 


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